

WLG is a non denominational ladies Ministry with the mandate to raise ladies into Intimacy with God

In 2012, TMA received the call of God upon her life to reach out to ladies. She began preparing for this assignment as an undergraduate of Obafemi Awolowo University. After graduating, 2016 September in her Mum’s office, WLG was born with very few ladies in attendance. Today the ministry has grown is growing beyond the walls of Nigeria reaching out to ladies and transforming lives. We hold weekly Bible study tagged ‘AtHisFeet’ as well as Online and Offline meetings

If you would love to join the WLG community, click here

(Ensure to send us a message when you get to our Instagram page)

To partner with us click here, click here

TMA carries a strong passion for sex workers. A passion she got to discover in the place of prayer (2015).While serving as a Corp member, she launched BGN in April 2017 at a Brothel in Calabar. Young ladies from age 15 were ministered to and since then BGN has embarked on other outreaches in Abakaliki and Lagos reaching out to more 30 sex workers getting them saved and showing them the love of the Father

If you would love to partner or volunteer with us, click here

(Ensure to send us a message when you get to our Instagram page)

TMA works as a brand designer for individuals and several brands. If you would love to book her services click here